Land lease

Projekt Solartechnik is a proven partner in leasing land from individuals, companies and local governments.

The main benefits of leasing are the certainty of a steady income for 29 years and the opportunity to manage class IV-VI land.

Bet on assured profit and peace of mind, with no reduction in crop area and no risk of failure.

Keep your land your father gave you and monetise it with leases for wind farms, photovoltaic, energy storage or hydrogen installations.

on average 35-50 acres

 are occupied by a single wind power plant

0,5 ha

minimum plot size

We lease an average of 35-50 acres for the purpose of building a wind farm. The remainder of the parcel can be used by the owner for agricultural purposes.

After signing a lease agreement with the landowner, Projekt Solartechnik sends a payment for:

the initial rent

the measurment fees


property tax

fee for transmission easement

regular lease rent payable annually for 29 years

czynsz wstępny

czynsz pomiarowy

czynsz odszkodowawczy

podatek od nieruchomości

opłatę za służebność przesyłu

czynsz dzierżawny regularny płatny co roku przez 29 lat

Na polu stoi farma wiatrowa składająca się z dwóch dużych białych wiatraków. Pomiędzy nimi bliżej wiatraka z lewej strony przebiega polna droga. Błękitne niebo pełne jest białych obłoczków. Pole obsiane jest ziemniakami.

Make money off your land for years to come.

Projekt Solartechnik will be responsible for the wind farm for 29 years. As the operator, it designs, builds and exploits the wind farm.

At the end of the contract, all farm components are entirely removed, and the land is restored to its original state.

We are looking for the following types of plots:

plots of small, medium and large acreage

at least 500 m away from habitations and residential plots

in the distance of 1-20 km from electrical substations (GPZ)

away from areas of: Natura 2000, nature parks, landscape parks, national parks, bird habitats, animal sanctuaries, other forms of nature conservation, airports, closed areas

Lease your
land and start making money off it

Leave us your contact information, and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Personal data

    *Mandatory fields

    Information about the land

    *Mandatory fields

    I consent to the processing of my personal data by Projekt-Solartechnik S.A. with its registered office in Katowice, al. W. Roździeńskiego 1B, for the purpose of receiving commercial information containing, in particular, content promoting the Company's goods, services and image, as well as other information concerning the Company related to its commercial activities, through communication channels such as:
    e-mailSMSnr telefonu
    W rozumieniu ustawy z dnia 12 lipca 2024 r. Prawo komunikacji elektronicznej.